
Qwen-Agent is a framework for developing LLM applications based on the instruction following, tool usage, planning, and memory capabilities of Qwen. It also comes with example applications such as Browser Assistant, Code Interpreter, and Custom Assistant.


git clone https://github.com/QwenLM/Qwen-Agent.git
cd Qwen-Agent
pip install -e ./

Developing Your Own Agent

Qwen-Agent provides atomic components such as LLMs and prompts, as well as high-level components such as Agents. The example below uses the Assistant component as an illustration, demonstrating how to add custom tools and quickly develop an agent that uses tools.

import json
import os

import json5
import urllib.parse
from qwen_agent.agents import Assistant
from qwen_agent.tools.base import BaseTool, register_tool

llm_cfg = {
    # Use the model service provided by DashScope:
    'model': 'qwen-max',
    'model_server': 'dashscope',
    # 'api_key': 'YOUR_DASHSCOPE_API_KEY',
    # It will use the `DASHSCOPE_API_KEY' environment variable if 'api_key' is not set here.

    # Use your own model service compatible with OpenAI API:
    # 'model': 'Qwen/Qwen1.5-72B-Chat',
    # 'model_server': 'http://localhost:8000/v1',  # api_base
    # 'api_key': 'EMPTY',

    # (Optional) LLM hyperparameters for generation:
    'generate_cfg': {
        'top_p': 0.8
system = 'According to the user\'s request, you first draw a picture and then automatically run code to download the picture ' + \
          'and select an image operation from the given document to process the image'

# Add a custom tool named my_image_gen:
class MyImageGen(BaseTool):
    description = 'AI painting (image generation) service, input text description, and return the image URL drawn based on text information.'
    parameters = [{
        'name': 'prompt',
        'type': 'string',
        'description': 'Detailed description of the desired image content, in English',
        'required': True

    def call(self, params: str, **kwargs) -> str:
        prompt = json5.loads(params)['prompt']
        prompt = urllib.parse.quote(prompt)
        return json.dumps(
            {'image_url': f'https://image.pollinations.ai/prompt/{prompt}'},

tools = ['my_image_gen', 'code_interpreter']  # code_interpreter is a built-in tool in Qwen-Agent
bot = Assistant(llm=llm_cfg,

messages = []
while True:
    query = input('user question: ')
    messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': query})
    response = []
    for response in bot.run(messages=messages):
        print('bot response:', response)

The framework also provides more atomic components for developers to combine. For additional showcases, please refer to examples.